AVIATION DICTIONARY جيبسون قاموس طيران

120,00 SAR


8 in stock

SKU: 05054082 Category:


With over 10,000 definitions from “A-Stage” to “Zyglo Inspection”, this book will help ensure that you always have a reference for unfamiliar terms related to aviation – both pilots and maintainers are targeted. This book covers current aviation words and terms, of course, but also reaches out a bit into older phrases, related fields (like electrical terms), and even a few common phrases. There are some illustrations as well. This edition is updated with new terms related to Light Sport/sport Pilots and Instrument procedures. So the next time someone asks you what you know about the local grid minimum off-route altitude or says that they were getting slugging in their air conditioning while watching for graupel, you can smile knowingly.

Compiled by Jeppesen Sanderson, Copyright 2006. ISBN 0-88487-383-8. Published by Jeppesen Sanderson. 390 Pages, Softcover.

معلومات إضافية

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm


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